Chronic pain of the breastbone and the shoulder

Chronic pain of the breastbone and the shoulder

Patient’s history

The middle age woman has been diagnosed with acromio-clavicular and sterno-clavicular joint instability on the left side for many years. She could not sleep on the left shoulder. During daily activity she felt a popping sensation with associated pain. It was also difficult to drive a car.

Previous treatment

After many consultations the surgery was offered but the patient refused. She started searching the internet for an alternative method of treatment. Finally she came across some information about prolotherapy. Then she contacted some patients who were treated with prolotherapy. They convinced her to try. The first prolotherapy session took place in London with some improvement, for another session she decided to go to Poland.

Treatment form Dr. Goczewski

Under ultrasound guidance he injected dextrose 15% solution into a sterno-clavicular joint and acromio-clavicular joint.


Patient’s condition improved after 2 weeks. She can normally sleep on the left shoulder, she can also drive a car. The popping sensation with pain occurs rarely.